A Month of Momentum: Asva Labs’ April Report

Asva Labs
7 min readMay 2, 2023


The past month has been full of challenges and opportunities for Asva Labs. We’ve been working tirelessly to develop and improve our products and platforms, as well as to explore new frontiers of innovation and collaboration. Our focus remains on delivering cutting-edge solutions in the fields of blockchain, Metaverse, and AI, which we believe are the key drivers of the future of tech.

But we’re not just building products and platforms for ourselves. We’re also building them for our users and partners, who share our vision and values. We’ve been actively engaging with the crypto community and the wider public, through various events and initiatives that showcase our expertise and impact. We’ve also been providing education and support to our users and community, through our Asva Labs Read series and other channels like twitter by posting industry news and educational content.

As we review our progress in April 2023, we’re humbled by the trust and loyalty of our community. You are the reason why we do what we do, and we appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of our April Month in Review.

Ecosystem Updates

Asva Labs Rebranding

We at Asva Labs are excited to announce that we will be undergoing a rebranding soon. After careful consideration and planning, we have decided to update our brand to better reflect our evolving ecosystem and our commitment to providing products in the Web3 space. This rebranding will include a new logo, visual identity, and messaging that better aligns with our vision and values as a company.

Asva Ventures

Asva Ventures had a productive April 2023, and we are eager to share our achievements and plans with you. We have initiated several new projects that will help us support the Web3 ecosystem and its innovative solutions.

New Venture Funds

One of the most significant updates is our plan to raise a $25M venture fund focused on Infrastructure (L1, L2, ZKP), Generative AI, immersive technologies, and the consumer layer. We are also in the process of raising a $1.5M angel fund, which will be used to expand Asva Ventures’ operations, launch the AV Venture Fund 1, establish a web3 accelerator, and develop the ecosystem.

Founders Demo Day

Asva Ventures will be hosting Founders Demo Day sessions where selected startups will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to investors and receive feedback from industry experts. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between founders and investors and provide startups with valuable resources to help them succeed.

Web3 Camp Launch

We will be launching the Asva Ventures Web3 Camp to provide a comprehensive program for founders to learn more about the Web3 ecosystem. This program will cover topics such as fundraising, marketing, and community building. We believe that this program will be instrumental in the success of the startups we invest in.

Mentors On Board

We are thrilled to welcome experienced mentors on board to help guide our startups through their entrepreneurial journey. Our mentors have extensive knowledge and experience in various industries and will provide valuable insights and advice to our portfolio companies.

Partnerships Expanding

Asva Ventures will be expanding its partnerships with various blockchain foundations and service providers. We believe that collaborating with these organizations will help us create a more robust Web3 ecosystem.

The first cohort for Selective 25 Startups

We will be selecting the first cohort of 25 startups to receive funding from Asva Ventures. Our team will be working closely with these startups to ensure they have access to all the resources they need to succeed.

Web3 Meet-ups Across Cities

We will be organizing Web3 meet-ups across various cities to bring together the Web3 community and provide a platform for networking and collaboration.

Grants Program Launch

Asva Ventures will be launching a grants program by partnering with various blockchain foundations and service providers. This program aims to provide funding to projects that align with Asva Ventures’ mission of advancing the Web3 ecosystem.

AV Accelerator House in Bengaluru

Finally, we are excited to announce the opening of our AV accelerator house in Bengaluru. This space will provide a collaborative environment for startups to work and connect with industry experts and mentors.


April was a busy and productive month for MetaLaunch, as we continued to work hard behind the scenes to improve our platform and prepare for our upcoming launches. We are excited to announce that we are ready to welcome our next cohort of IDOs in the next few months.

We are also delighted to welcome new projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, Web3 and the metaverse to our platform. These are some of the most promising and innovative sectors in crypto space, and we are proud to support them.

We want to thank our community for their support and feedback, and we invite you to stay tuned for more updates and announcements. MetaLaunch is on a mission to be the leading platform for launching promising Web3 and emerging technology focused projects.


Asvarium had an exciting month in April as the team made significant progress in the development of the platform. The community testing of Asvarium has been successfully concluded in the starting of 2023. In addition to the launchpad development, the team has been working on a multichain renting protocol for NFTs. This integration is a significant step forward for Asvarium and its users, as it will enable NFTs to be rented across multiple chains, providing a more seamless experience for users. What’s more, users will be able to earn passive income through this new renting protocol.

The team is excited to announce that V1 of Asvarium will be launching very soon. With the launchpad development and multichain renting protocol integration complete, the platform will be ready to launch and offer its users a range of exciting features and services.


Asva Labs had a busy April with a series of engaging community initiatives and events. Here are some of the highlights:


In April, Asva Labs hosted several Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions, featuring prominent industry experts, Asva Labs team members, and community members. These sessions provided valuable insights into various topics related to the crypto industry and Asva Labs’ development progress.

Here are the links to the AMA sessions along with their respective dates and topics:

  • April 28th — Kawaljeet Singh Nirman, AVP Sales, discussing the Phygital Certificates and the future of credentialing. The AMA session was hosted by Payal, Brand communication Manager at Asva Labs. Details: https://twitter.com/asvalabofficial/status/1651171456599097344?s=20
  • April 17th — AMA with Exarta team discussing about the world of Exarta with Asva Labs and Asvarium. The AMA event was hosted by Payal and our guest for the session was Rashid Ali, the CEO of Exarta. The recorded session is available for those who missed it, tune in now to find out all about Exarta: https://twitter.com/asvalabofficial/status/1647884642979291136?s=20
  • April 11th — Asva Labs had the pleasure of having one of our team members, Payal Ghosh, as a special guest in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with the DAOStruct team. The event was an excellent opportunity to discuss Asva Labs and its ecosystem products with the wider community. During the session, Payal Ghosh shared insights into the latest developments at Asva Labs and how the team is poised for success in the coming year. For those who missed this informative AMA, the recorded version is available to tune in and learn more about Asva Labs. https://twitter.com/asvalabofficial/status/1645464601507790848?s=20)

New Read Series

In April, Asva Labs expanded its New Read Series, featuring multiple blog posts covering diverse topics within the crypto industry. The series received positive feedback from the community, and Asva Labs is thrilled to have provided valuable insights to its readers.

Here are the topics covered in the New Read Series:

Overall, Asva Labs had a productive April with various community initiatives, and we are excited to continue to engage with our community members and provide valuable insights into the crypto industry. Stay tuned for more updates and events in the coming months.


Asva Labs has exciting plans for the upcoming months. We will continue to focus on exploring new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of emerging technologies, such as blockchain, Metaverse, and AI, while creating products that will bridge the masses to the Web3 space.

In the next few months, we will be launching Asvarium V1, a multichain Launchpad and renting protocol for NFTs. We’re also planning to introduce a new cohort of Web3 AI projects on our Premiere Launchpad, MetaLaunch, which will provide our community with more opportunities to invest in innovative and promising projects.

Additionally, we have several other projects in the works that we’re excited to share with our community, including partnerships, updates to our existing ecosystem, and new initiatives to engage and support our community members.

We want to thank our community for their support and trust in our vision. We’re excited about the future of Asva Labs and look forward to sharing more updates with you in the upcoming months. Stay tuned for more exciting news!

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.