Asva Labs Internal Mindfulness Session with Oliver S

Asva Labs
2 min readJul 2, 2022

Mindfulness is the fundamental human capacity to be completely present, mindful of where we are and what we’re doing, and not unduly reactive or overwhelmed by external stimuli. This fast-moving digital world makes it difficult to maintain mind control and to be aware of what you’re actually sensing, let alone of how you’re feeling and thinking about it. It is critical for us to acquire new skills that will assist us in stress management so that we may make rapid progress toward our objectives in an unimpeded manner.

In light of the above, Asva Labs was delighted to have Oliver S, the founder of “BE LIGHT,” lead an internal team discussion on mindfulness and meditation.

Here are some of the important key takeaways-

Mindfulness is a vast area of study and Oliver chooses to introduce the team to a “Breathing Session” — Focusing on your breath is one of the simplest strategies to alleviate stress. Everyone is capable of practicing this “entry level” method of meditation.


Sit in a comfortable position

Make yourself relaxed by releasing tension from muscles

Taking in deep breaths through the nose

Breathing out through the mouth

Taking control over by holding the breath for 30 secs and releasing it slowly.

About Oliver S

Oliver S is the founder of “BE LIGHT” — An Audiovisual app that focuses on mental health & creating positive energy. Through this immersive inner mind exercise, Oliver was outstanding with his easy and simple to understand techniques which helped the team achieve a synced meditative state!

The team at Asva Labs would like to extend their sincere gratitude to Oliver for taking time out of his schedule to conduct a beautiful session that was energizing, calming, and connected to one another.

About Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Metaverse innovation lab that aspires to build an Asvaverse ecosystem to integrate itself into the metaverse economy. Asvaverse is building its flagship products to the metaverse like, The MetaLaunch- a multi-chain launchpad and an incubator that supports a promising projects raise capital, The Metaverse Marketplace — trade,launch and rent metaverse assets and Asva Games Guild to power the Play and Earn model in the gaming community.

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.