Asva Labs Month in Review — July 2022

Asva Labs
7 min readJul 30, 2022

With July month coming to an end, we are excited to share with the Asva community a flashback to all that happened this month. We are almost halfway to the end of the year and it looks pretty eventful for Asva Labs, to say the least!

MetaLaunch, our flagship launchpad and incubation platform, has been a major focus of our work over the past quarter. After rigorous efforts of our team, we are extremely happy to say that we are a go-to place for budding Metaverse and gaming projects thanks to our meticulously designed incubation and acceleration strategies.

In this July monthly progress review, we look back and highlight some of the featured events, updates, partnerships, and progress to the Asva community.

Let’s start by exploring our Strategic Collaborations for this month:

Strategic Partnerships of the Month

It’s time to introduce our new partners who will be part of our exciting journey.

Metalaunch partners with Sleep

Together with Metalaunch, Sleep is providing members of the community with opportunities to invest in “Sleep to Earn.” The Asva community investors will soon have the chance to invest in “Sleep,” which will be the focus of another upcoming IGO. Asva is going to assist Sleep with the process of securing funding as well as the overall formulation of a business development plan. This approach is going to bring community adoption and growth to the project, which in turn creates new ways to earn in the Web3 space.

Metalaunch partners with Lumii

Lumii is a next-generation Web3 project with a primary emphasis on introducing younger generations to Web3 and the metaverse realm. Asva Labs is thrilled to announce its partnership with Lumii. This relationship will result in the establishment of a long-term bond that will provide Lumii with assistance with everything, including early investment rounds and marketing exposure that will breathe life into the Lumii project.

AsvaLabs partners with Digitsbrand

Anchoring the world’s leading producers and providers of cryptocurrency information and tool. DigitsBrands will help Asva in the verticals of industry research & co-fundraising.

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AsvaGamesGuild partners with Revolution Land

Battle solo or Summon your friends 💪

Asvagamesguild is super delighted to introduce its newest gaming partner: @Revolutionland — MOBA & Battle Royal Esports Game. Through this partnership, AGG and Revoland will work together demystifying #Playandearn economy.

AsvaGamesGuild partners with NFT11

NFT11 is an immersive football management game incorporating elements of Strategy and RPG. Players will be responsible for buying/trading/loaning players and defining their strategy to play and win tournaments.Asva Games Guild is super excited to announce its newest partnership with NFT11, a blockchain-based game football inspired universe.

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Updated IDO Calendar

The number of projects launching their token sales on MetaLaunch has grown significantly over the past three months. The Upcoming IGO calendar looks even more promising. We are pleased to announce a busy upcoming schedule of IGO/IMO events on MetaLaunch. We currently have these promising projects on the horizon for the upcoming weeks:

Take a sneak peek into our IDO calendar here:

Asva Games Guild Updates-

A new partnership between AGG and One World Nation was recently announced. The AGG community scholars were able to participate in OWN’s crypto fantasy game thanks to this partnership, which served as a stepping stone. Our scholars were granted early and unique access to the game.

AGG is making strides toward its goal of assisting Web3 games in gaining community exposure with the support of the Asva ecosystem as a whole. The AGG community demonstrated a high level of engagement, and as a result, we were happy to be able to provide some of our brightest and most competitive scholars with the opportunity to have early access to the game.

Product and Engineering

  1. MetaLaunch Landing Page is LIVE with a Fresh Look and seamless UI

Discover the world of MetaLaunch:

2. A fresh approach to the design of blog page layouts is currently under development and will very soon be published to the community.

3. Claim integration — audit stage

The most requested and crucial feature of MetaLaunch version 2 is the claim integration. The newly built interface for interacting with purchased tokens is currently in the audit stage and will be released soon.

4. Asva metaverse marketplace coming soon

We’re also working to enhance the MetaLaunch ecosystem by building more products under its umbrella and we are elated to announce that we will soon be launching ASVA Metaverse Marketplace to enable users to launch, rent, and trade Metaverse and gaming assets.

5. Asva Staking Update

We launched the Asva Staking platform on MetaLaunch to offer our community an opportunity to yield higher APR and exclusive access to IDO deals. As of July 30th, 2022, Almost 3.5 Million ASVA tokens were locked in $ASVA staking.

Brand New Staking UI integration on MetaLaunch is scheduled for development. Stake and earn with $ASVA, more updates regarding that to be rolled out in August.

6. The newly designed user dashboard is scheduled to be deployed.

A dedicated dashboard will provide users with a single slide that provides access to all of the projects in which they have participated in, as well as a personalized user profile and an FAQ section for queries.

Media Coverage

  1. Bitcoin world recently hosted an interview with Asva’s CEO-

Bitcoin world recently hosted an interview featuring Mallikarjuna Naidu, the CEO of Asva Labs where he broke down the future roadmap of Asva, potential partnerships in the space and the overall vision of the project.

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2. Sumit Gupta, CPO of Asva Labs Featured by CEO Insights

We Thank Mr Sumit Gupta, CPO of Asva Labs for his unprecedented support & contribution to Asva Labs. We are proud to share that @CEO__insights has recognised him as the Top 10 Chief Product Officer of 2022.

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Marketing and Events

This month was insightful indeed, with collaborations and AMAs that tipped the Asva community with knowledge and outlook on some of the emerging projects that are scheduled to be onboarded to the Asva ecosystem.

AMA with Tanukiverse-

In the AMA, we highlighted Tanukiverse, the utility of in-game NFTs, the team behind it, its long-term objectives, and its benefits to investors and the Asva community. It was a lively AMA, and Asva Labs looks forward to its future IGO on the Metalaunch launchpad, providing the Asva community with a chance to invest early.

Read more:

AMA with CFJ featuring Asva lab’s CEO & CTO-

In a recent AMA with the project’s CEO and CTO, we discussed the future roadmap and the opportunities for the Asva community. Asva Labs’ future ambitions are always clear, and this session was no exception. The team’s unique IGO deals and strategic partnerships will boost innovation and project development in gamify and metaverse.

Interactive sessions with Industry experts-

  1. Twitter Spaces with Saran kumar-

Asva Labs hosted a Twitter session with a metaverse thought leader. Mr. Saran Kumar, one of the industry’s early pioneers, delivered a talk on “How to enter the Metaverse” and led us through the metaverse’s history and its disruptive innovation trajectory.

2. Twitter spaces with Afrikanus Kofi Akosah-

Another guest speaker active in the Metaverse sector joined us on Twitter to discuss “The economic freedom P2E is delivering.” This workshop promoted audience involvement and addressed Play-to-earn games to get people acquainted with new financial experiences.

3. NFT marketplace campaign-

In the upcoming event of NFT marketplace release, we conducted a community campaign to propose a name for our marketplace, the winner of the “Name-the-marketplace” contest was awarded with 10,000 $ASVA for suggesting the best name.


We hope you found our monthly review for July to be insightful; we will have even more interesting things to share with you in the upcoming months, so please stay tuned and continue to support us!!!

Thanks for joining us on this journey!

About Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Metaverse innovation lab that aspires to build an Asvaverse ecosystem to integrate itself into the metaverse economy. Asvaverse is building its flagship products to the metaverse like, The MetaLaunch- a multi-chain launchpad and an incubator that supports a promising projects raise capital, The Metaverse Marketplace — trade,launch and rent metaverse assets and Asva Games Guild to power the Play and Earn model in the gaming community.

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.