Asvarium: Important Community Update

Asva Labs
2 min readNov 15, 2023


Dear Asva Community,

Asvarium, by Asva Labs, is an NFT renting protocol and an INO launchpad. Asvarium was designed with a primary focus on introducing a novel concept of renting for NFT utility projects. The platform allows users to rent NFTs and enables NFT holders to earn income by renting out their NFTs. Recognizing the potential for Initial NFT Offerings (INO), Asvarium incorporated an INO Launchpad within the platform to help in building a robust user base while providing a platform for utility-based NFT projects to launch. The testnet phase of the INO Launchpad has been successfully completed.

Why We Chose to Discontinue Asvarium

This decision was based on a deep marketing analysis that was conducted to validate the idea before moving forward with the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The analysis revealed that market growth for Asvarium was very restricted. Given these findings, it was determined that continuing with Asvarium may not align with our strategic objectives.

Transitioning with Purpose: Merging Into MetaLaunch

The journey of Asvarium, while significant, has reached a point of transition. The INO Launchpad of Asvarium, is merging with MetaLaunch. The merge with MetaLaunch will enhance our capabilities, provide our community with a more streamlined experience, and enable them to participate in IDOs and future NFT sales through an integrated platform. This move is aimed at ensuring that our services continue to meet the needs of our users and provide them with new opportunities.

AsvaLabs’ Venture Studio Model

Asva Labs has recently transitioned into a Web3 Venture Studio model, a testament to our enduring commitment to innovation. Under this new paradigm, we are not only building in-house products but also co-building and supporting startups from their inception and guiding them through every stage of growth, starting from day zero. The prospect of fostering emerging talent and groundbreaking ideas fills us with excitement, promising a future teeming with creativity and possibility.

A Future Fuelled by Your Support

To our cherished community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this journey. Your trust and encouragement have been the driving force behind our evolution. As we embrace this new chapter, we invite you to stay tuned for more updates. The coming days hold the promise of exciting new product launches under AsvaLabs, each one a testament to our collective vision for a vibrant and innovative blockchain ecosystem.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community. Together, we are poised to shape the future of blockchain technology, where creativity knows no bounds and innovation knows no limits. Your continued support fuels our determination, and we look forward to embarking on this new adventure with you by our side.

🌎 Reach Asva Labs on:

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.