📢 Coming Soon: MetaLaunch Launchpad Integrates Base Chain

Asva Labs
4 min readSep 22, 2023


MetaLaunch, a leading Web3 launchpad, is excited to announce its future integration with Basechain, the Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Base, developed by Coinbase, is a Layer-2 blockchain designed to enhance the transaction capabilities of the Ethereum network by building on top of its existing blockchain technology. Cost-effectiveness. The integration of MetaLaunch with Basechain will bring a wide range of diverse projects to MetaLaunch. This will provide our community with opportunities to participate in innovative and transformative ventures. This is an exciting development for both MetaLaunch and the broader Web3 community.

Embracing Base: A Game-Changer in the Making

Base Chain, an Ethereum L2 solution, built on Optimism’s open-source OP Stack, Base Chain offers a trifecta of advantages: security, stability, and scalability. These essential attributes empower decentralized applications (dApps) to flourish in a robust environment, all while significantly reducing gas fees, which are now a mere fraction of what Ethereum users are accustomed to.

Why Basechain for MetaLaunch?

MetaLaunch’s choice to integrate with Basechain is driven by its compelling features and advantages that set it apart:

Cost-Efficiency: Base Chain offers cost-effective transactions, and gas fees are approximately 10 times less expensive than Ethereum, making it a perfect choice for developers and users.

Ethereum-Level Security: Inheriting the robust security of the Ethereum mainnet, the Base Chain provides a trustworthy foundation for projects, instilling confidence.

Seamless Coinbase Integration: Base Chain seamlessly integrates with Coinbase’s suite of products, providing access to distribution channels, easy fiat onramps, and a $130 billion asset pool.

Adoption: With daily active users exceeding 100,000 within a month, Base Chain is quickly gaining traction, offering a user-friendly and cost-effective platform for blockchain applications.

The unique features of Base Chain make it an attractive choice for developers and founders looking to launch their next big Web3 venture. By choosing Base Chain, MetaLaunch is aligning itself with a dynamic and innovative ecosystem that is poised to unlock the full potential of blockchain technology. This alignment will support the next wave of projects building on Base Chain, providing a platform where emerging ventures can launch their fundraising efforts, providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed.

How this Integration Will Help MetaLaunch Accept a Broad Spectrum of Projects Building on the Base Chain?

MetaLaunch, the leading multi-chain Web3 Launchpad, has always been committed to identifying and supporting the most promising projects in the blockchain space. With the integration of Base Chain, our Launchpad is poised to offer a secure and trustworthy platform for developers and innovators to launch their projects.

Additionally, users will have the opportunity to invest in these projects at their earliest stages, capitalizing on their potential for growth. This integration will not only benefit MetaLaunch and the projects building on Base Chain, but also the wider blockchain community by supporting innovation and growth in the space.

We are calling on forward-thinking projects to collaborate with us on this exciting journey. If you have a groundbreaking idea or project built on Base Chain, we invite you to apply for our Initial DEX Offering (IDO) when the integration goes live. This is your chance to leverage MetaLaunch’s expertise and community support to propel your project to new heights.

Stay Tuned for the Integration!

As we prepare to unveil this integration, we encourage you to stay tuned for updates from MetaLaunch. We believe that this partnership with Base Chain will not only foster innovation but also provide the crypto community with unique opportunities to participate in the growth of groundbreaking projects.

About Base

Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 designed to bring the next billion users onboard. Constructed as an Ethereum L2, it incorporates the security, stability, and scalability inherent to Ethereum. Built on the MIT-licensed OP Stack in collaboration with Optimism, Base allows you to access the EVM environment at a fraction of the cost. Gain early access to Ethereum features like Account Abstraction (ERC-4337), simple developer APIs for gasless transactions, and smart contract wallets.

Base Chain integrates seamlessly with Coinbase’s products and has access to its $130 billion asset pool. This opens doors for dApps and projects to reach a broader audience and benefit from easy fiat on-ramps. Base Chain has already garnered over 100,000 daily active users in just one month, highlighting its rapid adoption and immense potential.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about this upcoming integration. Stay tuned for more updates! 😊

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.