Iliass Bouchir Joins Asva Team of Strategic Advisors

Asva Labs
2 min readSep 14, 2021


This series is for you to get to know our advisors! Have you already met Michael Huynh, Co-founder of DeFi Summit?

At Asva, we believe in working with people who bring in skills and perspectives that challenge us to push ahead and achieve our multi-chain vision.

Today, we’d like you to meet Iliass Bouchir

Seasoned blockchain consultant

Iliaas took his dive into the crypto industry in 2017 when he co-founded a successful VC firm. In his career spanning 4 years, he has played a key role in the development and growth of many crypto start-ups and enterprises. He has offered his service as a blockchain consultant to many projects that top the charts today.

Looking forward

We are positive that Iliass’s in-depth technical knowledge and expertise in the blockchain industry will be a priceless asset for Asva Labs. He will offer us end-to-end advisory services in technical development, marketing, ecosystem expansion, and community building. As our project development evolves at a more rapid pace, Iliaas will help us mold the products to fit the demands of the upcoming market.

We are super thrilled to have you onboard, Iliaas.


Asva Labs is the world’s first platform to fuel interoperable applications for DeFi, NFTs, and the metaverse. We leverage top blockchain technologies to create an interactive decentralized ecosystem. Asva Labs expands the purview of Web 3 capabilities by tapping into the collective strength of the now siloed blockchain ecosystems.

We have three premier products underway:

Asva Finance, our multi-chain DeFi aggregation engine, takes DeFi to new heights by offering an array of money market services on top blockchains from one interface. In the DeFi and NFT fundraising realm, we support the growth of top blockchain ecosystems through Asva Ventures, a multi-chain fundraising platform. And our third product, Asva Virtua Space, is an on-chain metaverse powered by NFTs.

Asva Labs will continue to catalyze the crypto revolution through interoperability and innovation.

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.