Asva Labs Quarterly Update: A Look Back at Q3 2022

Asva Labs
7 min readOct 3, 2022


Another Quarter, Another Update

Even with all the rumblings in the cryptocurrency market, our team has been busy these past three months. Another dramatic quarter of 2022 from a market perspective has passed where prices across the global markets continued to plummet. Especially for us at Asva Labs, this quarter was marked by learning, development, and progress.

The crypto community experienced an action-packed quarter with events such as the long-awaited Ethereum Merge. Asva Labs is no exception to this. We saw ranging growth of the multifaceted parts of our ever-evolving ecosystem.

Let’s zoom out and reflect on everything that made Q3 so special.

Ecosystem Overview

MetaLaunch Platform Update

Like the previous quarter, MetaLaunch, our flagship launchpad and incubation platform, was on the forefront of our efforts. The constant efforts of our team have been instrumental in strengthening MetaLaunch’s position as the go-to place for emerging Web3 projects. We have brought some major additions to the Launchpad in the past quarter to benefit our community of users, investors and projects. Let’s delve into some stats to reflect our progress in this quarter

Verified Users on MetaLaunch: 7000+

VC Partners: 130+
Launchpad Partners: 15+

Projects Launched

In 2022, MetaLaunch hosted token sales for X new Web3 projects, of which Metafighter and Colizieum remained the top performers with outstanding community participation. It’s time to take a closer look at the projects launched during Q3, 2022.

Over the last quarter, we have decided to spend more time on due-diligence and handpick the most promising projects for our community. We’re focusing more on quality than quantity for the upcoming months. With this focus, we are even more confident about the upcoming Token sale calendar.

Asva Staking Update

We launched the Asva Staking platform on MetaLaunch to offer our community an opportunity to yield higher APR and exclusive access to IDO deals. As of September 30th, 2022, Almost 3.46 Million ASVA tokens were locked in $ASVA staking.

Stake your Asva Tokens Now at:

MetaLaunch Booster Program is Live🔴

In this quarter, we introduced our Booster Program. This program aims at supporting emerging projects and inspiring founders by giving them a comprehensive experience that covers the entire project journey, assisting them in reaching their goals.

More Info: Supercharge your Idea with MetaLaunch Booster Program

MetaLaunch Launchpad Refund Policy 🔴

Our Refund Policy was another major update for this quarter. Our community is at the forefront of everything we do as a community-centric launchpad. To achieve this vision, MetaLaunch has introduced its Refund policy, which is carefully designed to provide a sense of security to our community while investing with us.

Read the detailed policy here: MetaLaunch Launchpad Refund Policy

Partnerships & Integrations

Strategic partnerships are essential to the success of blockchain projects, and Asva Labs is fortunate to have a number of excellent partners. In this quarter, we have continued to expand our partner ecosystem by establishing partnerships with both established names in crypto and up-and-coming projects.

Media Coverage

Interview with Bitcoin World

Mallikarjuna Naidu, CEO of Asva Labs, featured in an interview with Bitcoin World where he discussed Asva’s future roadmap, potential partnerships and its overall vision.

Learn more:

2: Sumit Gupta, CPO of Asva Labs Featured by CEO Insights

In appreciation of Sumit Gupta, Asva Labs’ CPO, we thank him for his unwavering support and contribution to Asva Labs. The CEO insights has named him one of the Top 10 Chief Product Officers of 2022, and we are proud to share the news.

Read more:


This quarter, Asva Labs continues to have a strong presence at a variety of events around the world, promoting and representing Asva Labs and Ecosystem products.

Money Expo (Mumbai)

The team had the chance to meet with the finance world in person this year by attending major conferences. Money Expo, Mumbai, was one such event where our top executives participated and networked with other members of the Web3 community.

Web3 Conference (Goa)

Our team members attended the Web3 conference where prominent thought leaders and innovators in the crypto/blockchain space discussed and debated the future of the blockchain and Web3.

CoinDCX Unfold 2022 (Bangalore)

We attended the 3-day event organized by CoinDCX in association with Yourstory. The event featured the brightest minds in India’s Web3 space debating around the current state of the industry and the exciting opportunities the future of decentralised technology holds.

Decrypt Bangalore

Asva Labs team also appeared at the Decrypt Bangalore event where they discussed Blockchain, DeFi, Stable-Coins, NFTs and more.

Product & Engineering


  • Polygon Integration: Testing Phase

We have successfully completed the full integration of the Polygon Network to MetaLaunch. The testing of the network is currently underway, upon successful testing phase, we will be ready to onboard Polygon-based projects and host their tokensales through our launchpad.

  • Claim Integration Audit Stage

The most requested and crucial feature of MetaLaunch version 2 is the claim integration. The newly built interface for interacting with purchased tokens is currently in the audit stage and will be released soon.

ASVA Metaverse Marketplace

The designing of the Asva Metaverse Marketplace has begun, our team of UI designers are working on making an intuitive UI for our Marketplace. More updates will be released in the coming days.

Asva Games Guild

This quarter has been an exciting one for Asva Games Guild, with the launch of the pilot scholarship program for Revoland. The AGG continued efforts gained traction from the gaming community, and AGG was featured on BSC News.

INO Launchpad

The development of the INO Launchpad is in high gear with the design of INO Launchpad already finalized and available for the community to have a glance. The team has already begun to develop the launchpad’s design and user interface.

Asva ventures

Asva Ventures, the venture capital arm of Asva Ecosystem. Over the past quarter, we have been on the lookout for promising Web3 ventures and have deployed our capital in those companies, providing capital support to empower builders and bringing more value proposition to the ecosystem.

New Initiative- ASVA Ventures Web3 Accelerator Boot Camp

Asva Ventures is preparing to launch a new initiative in a bid to add more value addition, AV Web3 Accelerator Boot Camp, for early stage projects. The program aimed at providing support to early stage projects through Mentorship, Advisory, Fundraise and Networking.

Asva Ventures is uniquely positioned with a network of ecosystem partnerships and connections, providing all the industry experts with a multidimensional understanding of product building, growth and advice. Through Asva Ventures’ strong connections with leading blockchain firms across sectors including VC, NFT, DeFi, Metaverse, and other Web3 sectors, emerging Web3 ventures will have access to not just VC connections, but also industry connections as well.

By offering this program, Asva Ventures will work closely with builders to assist them in critical areas, such as marketing, community building, and idea execution. The Web3 Boot camp will be launched by the end of this year.

Q4 Roadmap: Calm before the Storm

Throughout the quarter, we experienced steady growth, as we were busy preparing for an exciting future. We are bringing some groundbreaking improvements, so stay tuned because Q4 promises to be more exciting and surprising. Here’s what about roadmap for Q4 looks like:

Asva Labs: Expanding Focus Area

Asva Labs is undergoing some significant changes, beginning with an update of the core idea behind the launch. In early Q4,2022, we will reveal and reflect our expanded key focus.

MetaLaunch: New Use-cases

MetaLaunch is expanding its arena and is rebranding to reflect the new vision. MetaLaunch is taking an important step in building a solid and sustainable community of Web3 believers to support the emerging Web3 innovations and builders.

Upcoming Launches:

NFT Genesis Collection in Q4,2022

The Genesis NFT Collection by Asva is currently under creation, the collection is scheduled to be launched in the Q4 of 2022.

INO Launchpad Launch in Q4,2022

The designing part of the INO Launchpad by Asva Labs is completed and the development is currently underway and will be completed in Q4, the launch of the INO Launchpad is scheduled to take place in Q4, 2022.

Claim integration Launch in October, 2022

The claim integration feature of MetaLaunch is currently being audited, and will be launched in October 2022 once the audit is completed.

Asva Ventures Web3 Accelerator Boot Camp launch in Q4, 2022

The Asva Ventures Web3 Accelerator Boot Camp is meticulously designed to support emerging Web3 builders, through this program, budding ventures can tap into Asva Ventures ranging services including fundraising, marketing, advisory and networking with VCs and key industry players. The Boot Camp is scheduled to launch in late Q4,2022, detailed information on how it works, the objectives it seeks to accomplish, and how early stage projects can benefit will be announced in the coming announcements, stay tuned.


Gear up, As we’re bringing some major updates to the platform.

At last, we would love to thank our community for being an integral part of our journey, supporting our vision and evangelizing our message.

Thanks for joining us on this journey!

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Asva Labs

Asva Labs is a Web3, AI and Metaverse company building world-class products to power the next billion users.